How to sell Pi-NFTs on a timed auction

How to sell Pi-NFTs on a timed auction

Selling your Pi-NFT on Aconomy doesn't always require setting a fixed price. If you're unsure about the value your Pi-NFT might fetch, initiating a timed auction can be an excellent strategy. 

With an auction, you can gather bids over a specific period and let the highest bidder claim your Pi-NFT. This guide will walk you through the steps to create an auction on Aconomy, including setting a starting price amount and specifying the auction's duration.

Steps to Put and Pi-NFT on Auction:

1. Access Your Profile:

Begin by visiting your Aconomy profile, where you'll have access to all your listed Pi-NFTs.

2. Select the Pi-NFT for Auction:

Identify the Pi-NFT you want to auction and click on the sell option. This will open a card.

4. Select "Auction":

 After clicking "sell" you'll be presented with different listing options. Choose "auction" to proceed with the auction setup.

5. Specify Auction Details:

Now, you can customize your auction by filling in the following information:

- Starting Price: Set the starting price amount that you are willing to accept for your Pi-NFT. Bids must meet or exceed this amount to be considered valid.

- Duration:  set the duration that you want to put the Pi-NFT on auction that will be your expiry date of the auction.

6. Start the Auction:
 After entering the necessary details, click on "List Now" You may be prompted to sign a message to confirm your intent to put your Pi-NFT up for auction.

Once your timed auction is live, interested bidders can place their bids within the specified timeframe. At the end of the auction, the highest bidder will be the lucky recipient of your NFT in exchange for their winning bid. This method allows you to gauge the market's interest and determine the value of your NFT based on real-time bidding activity.

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