How do I place a bid on an Pi-NFT?

How do I place a bid on an Pi-NFT?

Placing a bid on Pi-NFTs is a straightforward process, and this guide will walk you through the steps to make your bid and potentially secure your desired NFT.

Placing a Bid on Pi-NFTs:

1. Access the Auction Marketplace:

 To start the bidding process, navigate to the "NFT on Auction" section within the Aconomy marketplace. Here, you'll find a curated selection of NFTs available for auction.

2. Select Your Desired NFT:

 Browse through the listed NFTs and choose the one that captures your interest. Click on the respective NFT to view more details.

3. Review NFT Details:

 Before placing your bid, it's essential to review the NFT's details, including its description and current bid status. Ensure that this is the NFT you want to bid on.

4. Place Your Bid:

After confirming your choice, click on the "Place bid" button, which will open a bid card.

5. Enter Bid Details:

On the bid card, you'll need to input the following bid details:

- Bid Amount: Specify the amount you are willing to bid for the Pi-NFT. Your bid must be equal to or higher than the current listed price or the latest bid.

- Bid Expiry: Set the duration for how long your bid will remain active. This defines the time window within which others can outbid you. If your bid isn't exceeded during this period, you may secure the NFT.

6. Confirm Your Bid:

Once you've filled in the bid amount and bid expiry time, click on the "Place bid" button. You may be prompted to sign the transaction to confirm your bid.

7. Successful Bid Placement:

After signing the transaction, you have successfully placed your bid on the Pi-NFT. Now, you'll need to monitor the auction to see if your bid remains the highest or if others place higher bids.

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